Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Childhood Obesity An Epidemic Essay - 796 Words

Title: Childhood Obesity General Goal: To Inform Specific Goal: I want my audience to know or understand that childhood obesity has become an epidemic. Thesis Statement: While there are numerous variables of childhood obesity, the two fundamental causes are eating an excessive amount and exercising too little. Introduction I. According to the World Health Organization, â€Å"the number of obese children ages 0-5 years increased from 32 million globally in 1990 to 42 million in 2013.† A. Really open your eyes the next time you go out. B. What you will see is what has seemingly become the new trend among children. C. According to the article, â€Å"Children’s Life Expectancy Being Cut Short by Obesity† from the New York Times, the current generation may have a shorter life span than their parents. D. Children’s waistlines are expanding at rapid speed. 1. The CDC reports that â€Å"from 1976-1980, children ages two to five had an increase of obesity from 5%to 10.4%. From 2007-2008, children ages 6-11 had an increase of obesity from 6.5% to 19.6%.† 2. Sources vary on the actual percent, but the general consensus is that about 15%-33% of American children are obese. II. After fully researching this topic, the root of childhood obesity has become very clear. III. Today, I will explain the two leading causes of childhood obesity: eating in excess and exercising too little. Body I. Eating in excess has generally been perceived as a major offender in regards to childhood obesity. A. The CDC statesShow MoreRelatedObesity : Childhood Obesity Epidemic1418 Words   |  6 Pageshis article â€Å"There is no Childhood Obesity Epidemic† discussed the there is a â€Å"stunning† drop in childhood obesity rate. He claims that obesity rates among two to five year olds have plunged over the past decade, and that the so called â€Å"obesity epidemic† had ended. 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The number of overweight and obese children in America has increased at an alarming rate over the past years. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years [1]. American Heart Association stated, â€Å"Today one in three American kids and teens are overweight or obese; nearly triple theRead MoreChildhood Obesity : An Epidemic834 Words   |  4 PagesIn the United States, childhood obesity is an epidemic and in the past 30 years, childhood obesity have had nearly tripled. There are 31 % of American children and adolescents are either overweight or obese. And according to the numbers, more than 23 million of American children are either overweight or obese and more than 12 million are obese (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2013). The complications of obesity in the childhood period are broad, those include but limited to: hypertensionRead MoreChildhood Obesity : An Epidemic1036 Words   |  5 PagesRainsu Kumbhani All About Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity is an epidemic in U.S. In the year of 2012, about â€Å"one third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese.† Also, percentages of childhood obesity have increased by over ten percent in the last thirty years in children and adolescents (Childhood Obesity Facts 2015). These statistics are shocking, and many people are concerned for the health of their children. This medical condition, as defined by Mayo Clinic, leads to seriousRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Childhood Obesity Essay1053 Words   |  5 PagesThe Epidemic of Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity continues to increase substantially each generation, especially here in the United States. Today, children have become more lazy while eating unhealthy and in excess. This trend ultimately results in increased healthcare problems throughout their life. Childhood obesity has increased because children eat in excess, they are allowed to eat food which is unhealthy, they lack the exercise needed to maintain a healthy weight, and are permittedRead MoreChildhood Obesity : An Epidemic Essay1641 Words   |  7 PagesChildhood obesity is an epidemic in America. Many experts like doctors and dietitians have narrowed the epidemic to a few causes some being lack of exercise, genetics, and food insecurity. Exercise and genetics could lead to obesity in the way that you need exercise to burn fat and some people are genetically more inclined to store more fat. Obesity is having excessive amount of fat that could lead to other health problem which is scary to think that childhood obesity is something that is on theRead MoreThe Epidemic of Childhood Obesity2154 Words   |  9 PagesIntroduction Childhood obesity is an epidemic that goes on throughout the United States. Studies have shown how obesity in children may start, and how it affects each and every child in America. Childhood obesity has been getting attention in the media from famous celebrities all the way to the First Lady of the United States. There are many things that cause childhood obesity and very few ways to stop it. However, there are people out there who are trying to help by getting children active, eatingRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Childhood Obesity3013 Words   |  13 Pages The epidemic of childhood obesity Childhood obesity is an important issue because of this diseases impact over the past few years. With the changing of lifestyles, the production of children who are not as healthy as they should be has increased. Due to these results, a widespread of children being obese has occurred. The Center for Disease Control, CDC, distinguishes between being overweight and being obese. Overweight simply means that the weight is high compared to others in the same height categoryRead MoreChildhood Obesity : An Epidemic Essay1954 Words   |  8 PagesChildhood obesity is not merely an issue in the United States- it is an epidemic. The number of overweight and obese children in America has increased at an alarming rate over the past years, and there is no chance of it slowing down unless action is taken. Obesity puts children at a high risk of developing many serious illnesses. Not only do children who are obese have unhealthy weights, but they also have a high risk of having weak lungs, poor blood quality, and a variety of other sicknesses. Par ents

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